Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

"Apocrypha is the realm of Hermaeus Mora, the Daedric Prince of Fate and Knowledge. Many who come here seeking forbidden knowledge remain forever."
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Apocrypha is the plane of Oblivion belonging to the Daedric Prince Hermaeus Mora. This plane is first seen in the skyrim add-on, The Elder Scrolls V: Dragonborn. The Dragonborn has to visit the realm as part of the main questline in Solstheim for the add-on. 


Aprocrypha is constantly changing. The entire realm appears to consist of a great ocean of toxic black fluid, with countless tentacles, some of which reach great heights into the sky, emerging from it and a few islands dotting the surface, usually with the intent of causing harm to the adventurer. The dominant inhabitants of this realm are the Seekers and Lurkers.

On the islands there are structures which appear to largely be composed of innumerable books, as the foundation with columns of stone and grates of metal forming the shape of the structure. Some of these structures are constantly changing their shape from stretching and contracting to swaying from side to side. 


The sky is defined by a hazy green cloud cover with a huge swirling void in the center similar to the one seen in the Soul Cairn. There are various places in the sky where what appears to be a portal is open and the ever-present tentacles are sprouting out. Hermaeus Mora himself also uses these portals when he wishes to communicate with anyone while they are in his realm and sometimes even when they are not in his realm.


The realm is very dangerous, as the black liquid is toxic and will kill anyone who happens to fall in within seconds. Even venturing close to the edge of the liquid is dangerous, as tentacles may emerge from the water to strike at the player and deal damage. The Seekers and Lurkers are also a threat. The more common Seekers are easily capable of protecting themselves and can create doubles of themselves to assist in combat, as well as being able to turn invisible and even teleport. The Lurkers, though rarer, are far more dangerous to lower-level players, dealing serious melee damage with their claws and brandishing a variety of tentacle-based attacks, including spewing out tentacle-sprouting liquid that can ensnare the player or spawning a mass of damaging tentacles from their foot.




  • Apocrypha can only be reached through a Black Book, seven of which can be found on Solstheim.
  • When the Dragonborn "dies" in Apocrypha they will be instantly transported back to Solstheim.
  • It is impossible to travel to Apocrypha from Skyrim. Reading a Black Book will result in the ground shaking and a status message saying  "A vision of Solstheim swims before your eyes and then is gone." The Dragonborn must travel to Solstheim in order to read the Black Books and travel to Apocrypha.
  • Followers cannot join you in Apocrypha, but they may comment on your reading the Black Books.
  • Apocrypha is an old Latin word meaning "hidden" or "secret". It's also refers to parts of a body of written work, typically religious or historical texts, of unknown or dubious authenticity.

