Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls
Console1 (Skyrim)

Game screen showing the Console Command line. No reference set.

Console2 (Skyrim)

Game screen showing the Console Command line. Reference set.

For commands in other games, see Console Commands.

Console Commands are a debugging tool available to PC players, adding a wide range of functionality to the game. On American English keyboards, the tilde key ( ~ ) will toggle the console screen, but on British English keyboards, that key is the backtick key ( ` ). The key is located below Escape ( Esc ) and just left of the 1 ( one ) key

Comparisons with other games

As with The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind and The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, Console commands are only available in the PC version of the game.

Using the console

Entering codes

  • Codes are not case sensitive; "a" is same as "A".
  • Codes are shown as: Code <Variable> <#>
  • The < and > are not entered with the code, and # is replaced by the desired quantity.
  • The code to add an item is listed as: Player.AddItem <ItemID> <#>
  • If you wanted to add 500 gold, it would be entered as:
player.additem 00000f 500


To target an object, open the console and click the object. Its name will appear about center screen. An item targeted in the console is also called a reference.

A target may also be selected using the PRID command and the target's Reference ID.

Short Code or Prefix Required

Short code refers to a code having a short form that can be used interchangeably with the Long form.

  • ToggleFogOfWar is the long code form.
  • TFOW is the short code form.

Prefix Required refers to a code needing a prefix to work as intended.

  • SetHealth <#> will set the max health of the target selected by clicking or the PRID command to <#>.
  • Player.SetHealth <#> will set your max health to <#>.


Alchemy Armor Items
Food and Drinks
Potions and Poisons

Soul Gems
Weapons Magic Other
Actor Values
Batch Lists

Toggle commands

Command Effect
rm Toggle Run Mode. Will switch between run mode and walking mode. Same function as <Caps Lock> key.
tg Toggles grass
ts Toggles display of skybox and fog.
TLL Toggles LOD
TIM Toggle Immortal Mode (Still take damage, health will never reach zero. Final blow animations may cause a permanent decapitation bug.)
TCL Toggle Collision. Using the TCL command with a target toggles clipping for the target. If used while falling off a cliff, may cause a crash. Useful for unsticking your character or finding items or bodies that have fallen through a wall or floor.
TM Toggle Menus (Disables all GUI elements, including menus, the compass, subtitles and messages. Very useful for taking screenshots.)
TFC Toggle freefly camera. Add <1> to pause.

Toggle Artificial Intelligence (Characters will not react to non-combat stimuli and dialog may not function. Used in conjunction with TCAI will completely disable NPC actions.)

TCAI Toggle Combat Artificial Intelligence (Characters may turn hostile, but will not attack the player.)
TDetect Toggle AI Detection. Doesn't work with Pickpocket detection.
TC Toggle player Control of target entity. If used when targeting an NPC, will transfer control to said NPC, and any command inputs will be applied both characters. To fix, use TC on the player character to turn off its actions.
TMM <#> Toggle Map Markers; <0> Disable all. <1> Enable all. <1,0,1> Show all, no fast travel.
TGM Toggle God Mode (Infinite health, magicka, and stamina. Carry weight will never affect movement or fast travel.)

Targeted commands

Command Effect
Equipitem <ItemID> <#><left/right> Forces the target to equip <ItemID>, if it is in their inventory. Adding a '1' after the ID seems to make some items un removable, while '0' keeps them removable as normal. <left/right> will equip the weapon in the left or right hand.
setessential <BaseID> <#> Make NPC mortal (0) / immortal(1).
Disable This will make the target disappear, but still loaded with the cell (see also: MarkForDelete).
Enable Used to make disabled targets re-appear. Useful for when you made a pointing mistake when disabling targets.
unlock Unlock the desired chest or door. Note: This may not work in some cases.
lock <#> Lock chests, doors or people. <#> = the level of difficulty. (0-100, any larger and the lock cannot be picked)
kill Instantly kills target. (Does not kill characters/creatures marked 'essential', only causes them to fall to the ground for a few minutes.)
Resurrect <#> Return a dead NPC to life. Replace <#> with 1 to resurrect with all current items intact. Leave off <#> to have the corpse removed & a new copy spawned.
removeallitems Removes all items in the targets inventory. Use the <player> variable to transfer all items to own inventory.
sexchange Change gender of target NPC, or PC. Note: Only BODY changes, not the head.
additem <ItemID> <#> Adds <ItemID> to target NPC, Note: Use on a merchant to set the amount of barter gold. This gold may not go to your inventory when selling items to the vendor.
setlevel <1>,<2>,<3>,<4> Sets the level of an NPC compared to the player. SetLevel 1000,0,1,81 will make target level with you from 1 to 81.
1: <% of PC's level * 10> The NPC's level in comparison to player, based on % of players level. (1000 = 100.0%)
2: <1 level +/-> How many levels this NPC will be above or below the level in 1.
3: <starting level> The lowest level this NPC can be.
4: <level cap> The highest level this NPC can be.
getav <AV> Returns the current value of the specified actor value.
modav <AV> <+/-#> Changes <AV> by <+/-#>
forceav <AV> <#> Forces <AV> to <#>
setav <AV> <#> As above, but some values don't stay set through saves.
setscale <#>

Sets the scale of an object. '1' is default. If no object is selected, applies to PC. NOTE: When used on an actor, it increases or decreases speed and damage. Also note that the lowest possible value to change the scale, is 0.1, and the highest possible value to change the scale, is 10.00, exactly on the dot.

moveto player Teleports the targeted NPC to you. (Works similar to player.placeatme <BaseID> <#> but does not create a new reference of the base object.)
player.setrelationshiprank <RefID> <#> Used to set an NPCs disposition towards the player. <#> = 1-4 Note: If this doesn't help when attempting to add Follower dialogue, try setrelationshiprank <RefID> <#> then player.setrelationshiprank <RefID> <#>.
openactorcontainer <#>

<#> = 1,2, 3, or 4. Depending on the actors faction ranking to the player will depend on what you see in their inventory. Use the correct ranking for their current status.) This allows you to add or retrieve items from that actor. Some actors will not equip armor or weapons you store on them.

GetPos <axis> Returns the position value of given axis (x,y,z) of the target
SetPos <axis> <#> Sets the position value of given axis (x,y,z) of the target.
GetAngle <axis> Returns the value of given rotational axis (x,y,z) of the target.
SetAngle <axis> <#> Sets the value of given rotational axis (x,y,z) of the target (the change happens when the targeted object is picked up).
MarkForDelete Permanently deletes the selected item either instantaneously or upon reload. This command is cleaner than disable, as it removes the item completely instead of just hiding it from view.
setownership Allows you to make things ownerless. They won't become yours. When used on chests, applies to everything inside.
  • Most "Target commands" can be used on the player by self-targeting or prefixing with Player. in the console window. Some commands, such as Kill and Disable will crash the game when self-targeted, while others may produce unexpected results.

Quest commands

Command Effect
GetStage <QuestID> Used to get the current quest stage for quest (use ShowQuestTargets for IDs).
player.sqs <quest id> Used to display all the stages of a quest
SetObjectiveCompleted <QuestID> <stage> <1 to set, 0 to unset> Used to set the quest stage as being completed or uncompleted.
SetStage <quest id> <stage value> Used to set the quest stage (Useful for bugged quests).
movetoqt <QuestID> Move to quest target.
showquesttargets Shows all current quest IDs.

Complete all Stages of EVERY quest.
Buggy, may not be stable. NOT recommended.

CompleteQuest <QuestID>' Complete a quest. May cause buggy behavior, SetStage is generally cleaner.

Player commands

Command Effect
Addshout <ShoutID> Add shout to player skill list. Shouts are also part of spells so in order for this command to work you would need the spells unlocked. List of Shout Codes.*NOTE: Shouts can be unlocked using: player.unlockword <shoutID>
SetPlayerRace <Raceid> Doing this will allow you to change your race without using showracemenu. Note: May bug after certain transformations (ex: Werewolf), and revert to original race, or the race you selected using showracemenu.
fov <#> Adjust field of view. The maximum value appears to be 160. Higher numbers allow a wider field of vision, but it can be distorted. Lower numbers show a "zoomed" view. 60-90 is a useful range.
showracemenu Bring up character customization menu. Magicka, Stamina, and Health will be spread evenly on using this depending on your character's level. It will remove any custom point distributions. Note: Using TGM command before entering the menu will retain your original levels. Will only modify your attributes/skills/points/etc. if you change the race, sex, or select a preset from the list. Modifying cosmetic things like skin color/warpaint/hair/face shape/etc. will leave your points.
player.addperk <PerkID> Adds the perk.
player.removeperk <PerkID> Removes a perk.; does not return the point used to gain the perk.
player.addspell <variable> Adds a spell, disease, or power.
Player.removespell <variable> Removes a spell, disease, or power
player.additem <ItemID> <#> Add an item to the inventory.
For example, to add 100 gold to the inventory, use player.additem f 100
player.removeitem <ItemID> <#> Remove an item from the inventory.
player.drop <ItemID> <#> This will drop the item.
player.showinventory Lists all items in your inventory and their codes. PgUp and PgDwn to scroll through.
player.setcrimegold <#> <FactionID> Adds <#> to your current bounty with <FactionID>
player.paycrimegold <X> <Y> <FactionID> Sometimes, does not pay off your bounty fully.
X = 1 Remove stolen items. 0 Don't remove stolen items.
Y = 1 Go to jail. 0 Don't go to jail.
player.setlevel <#> Sets current level to <#>.
player.teachword <WOOP> Teaches a word of power, words can be found with the "help <word> 4" command and are recognizable by the WOOP tag. See Dragon Shouts
player.setav <AV> <#> Sets the Actor Value to <#>.
player.modav <AV> <+/-#> Modifies the Actor Value by <#>.
player.forceav <AV> <#> Should be avoided for use, as it overrides/ignores game's automatic calculations such as item bonuses, spell bonuses, etc.
player.placeatme <Item/NPCID> <#> Places an item or actor next to the player.
playerEnchantObject <ItemID> <mgef> <mgef> Adds object to inventory with any two magic effects (not limited to enchants). Codes
IncPCS <AVskill> Increase the players skill points by one point IncPCS marksman
AdvSkill <AV> <#> Give the player the desired amount of skill usage points. NOTE: Very inconsistent between skills. E.g. "AdvSkill speechcraft 3000" gives about as much Speech experience as "AdvSkill enchanting 1" gives Enchanting experience. See skills for test results.
psb Player Spell Book. Unlocks all spells and shouts. NOTE: Using this command will unlock every spell, even those used to test Skyrim, this may cause bugs so you should backup the game before using this.
player.advlevel Force a Level Up (Does not add ability to pick a new perk)
enableplayercontrols This command is used to enable controls during cinematics when they're disabled. Occasionally the game will glitch, instead of reloading put in this command and carry on.
player.forceav dragonsouls # Sets the number of dragon souls the player has. Replace # with the desired number.
  • Most "Player commands" can be used on any NPC by left clicking them while in the console window, and typing the code without the Player. prefix.
  • The addperk command does not seem to work on NPCs, as they seem to rely upon the perks assigned to them.

|- |player.setscale # |Sets height for character. Use Tsun as an example for height. He ranks 1.23 on the height scale.


Command Effect
Addfac <FactionID> <#> Adds the selected NPC to a faction. May cause undesired and buggy AI behavior.
set playerfollowercount to <#> 0 Clears followers and allows you to recruit again.
Prid <RefID> Sets the NPC as reference, allowing other commands to be used, good for targeting NPCs that you cant reach/select on screen or fixing quest glitches about Npcs not appearing.
bat <name of text file> Executes a .bat file. For more info read this.
help <"Object name"> <#> Show all console commands with descriptions. Add descriptors to search for IDs. ex: help "elven armor" 0 will show ids of all items that include "elven armor" in the name. <#> sets the limits for the search function, 0 = no limits; 4 = Exact.
qqq Quits the game without going through the menus. (May cause crash.)
killall Kills all non-essential NPCs in the vicinity.
set timescale to <#> Set the rate at which time passes (20 is the default, 1 is realtime)
sw <WeatherID> Set Weather. Changes the current weather to the one entered. It may vanish quickly depending on the area you're in, due to the area's climate being forced; like where rain isn't common.
fw Force Weather. Will automatically change the current weather to the one specified. (May also vanish as with the sw command).

List of Locations accessible only through Console Commands


Command Effect
coc <CellID> Center On Cell. Teleports you to the center of the cell. A list of coc codes is here.
WIDeadBodyCleanupCell Holds the bodies of NPCs that have died.
player.moveto <NPCrefID> Move to an NPC.


This section contains bugs related to Console Commands (Skyrim). Before adding a bug to this list, consider the following:

  1. Please reload an old save to confirm if the bug is still happening.
  2. If the bug is still occurring, please post the bug report with the appropriate system template  360  /  XB1  ,  PS3  /  PS4  ,  PC  /  MAC  ,  NX  /  PS5  ,  XS  , depending on which platform(s) the bug has been encountered on.
  3. Be descriptive when listing the bug and fixes, but avoid having conversations in the description and/or using first-person anecdotes: such discussions belong on the appropriate forum board.
  • kill command: In third person mode, the player can go into console and select themselves, and then use the kill command. This will cause the Dragonborn to die. However, this is easily glitched. If the Dragonborn is still selected, the "resurrect" command will cause major problems. First, the view will be stuck in third person mode from the angle visible at the time of death. The HUD will be completely invisible unless the Dragonborn is crouching. Animations will be broken as well, i.e. holding an iron dagger won't always register, so the fists animation will be used. The iron dagger will still be in-hand. Ragdoll physics also apply when in this state.
    • This can be fixed by being attacked by a Greybeard using Ice Form.