Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

"The peace and solitude here is conductive to writing. My memoirs are coming along amazingly well. I have led an interesting life, after all. One day I'll publish them. Then you can buy a copy and read them for yourself."
―Decalus Carius[src]

Decalus Carius is an Imperial found inside the Great Chapel of Dibella in Anvil.


Questions of Faith[]

Kor suggested to talk to the worshippers to find out if any of them saw Hildegard.


"Ah, now I've lost my train of thought. Well, since you've already interrupted the writing process, what can I do for you?"

Have you seen a young Nord woman? Wears a flower in her hair? "A Nord? Here? Is that even possible? I have it on authority that the typical Nord melts in hot temperatures. Come to think of it, I'm surprised I've never met a Nord. One more thing to do before I finish my memoirs, I suppose."

