Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

"Addhiranirr is a Khajiit, and a Thieves Guild operative. You'll find her in St. Olms Canton in Vivec. Be careful what you say, and use common sense, people in cantons are suspicious of outsiders; you may have to win... or purchase... their confidence."
Caius Cosades[src]

Addhiranirr is a Khajiit thief, Thieves Guild member and connoisseur of the Vvardenfell's Black Market who resides in the St. Olms Underworks of Vivec City, in the Ascadian Isles region. She hides from a Census and Excise agent, and she is one of three sources of information during the Nerevarine's investigation of the Sixth House.


Vivec Informants[]

Addhiranirr is one of the three people in Vivec who have information on the Sixth House, the Nerevarine Prophecy and the Nerevarine Cult. She will share her piece of intel if the Nerevarine deals with the agent and makes him leave Vivec.


This character has the following attributes:






Show: Vivec Informants
In the underworks of the St. Olms Canton:

"Great. So Caius says to you, 'Speak with Addhiranirr.' And you have done this thing. You are speaking with Addhiranirr. But Addhiranirr will not talk to you about the Nerevarine or the Sixth House cult, and because why? Because Addhiranirr is, at this moment, very distracted by a nice Census and Excise agent, who also wants to speak with her."

Addhiranirr "Addhiranirr is what you see, no one important, just a person who knows little things and does little things."
Nerevarine "No. Addhiranirr is not talking about this with you, because Addhiranirr is very distracted by an annoying taxman."
Sixth House cult "No. Addhiranirr is not talking about this with you, because Addhiranirr is very distracted by an annoying taxman."
Census and Excise agent "You do not know this? They are the collectors of the Emperor's taxes and tariffs. And the Emperor has outlawed trade in many things, like Dwemer artifacts and ebony, and a Census and Excise agent will enjoy being a pest about such things. For several reasons, a Census and Excise agent is not Addhiranirr's favorite person. If you want Addhiranirr to help you, make the bad agent go away. Then she will tell you things."
Census and Excise agent "Perhaps your ears are clogged? I said, if you want Addhiranirr to help you, go get rid of this agent who is bothering me."

If approached again:

"So, Addhiranirr has already said that she does not want to talk to you about the Nerevarine or the Sixth House cult, as long as her mind is distracted by the Census and Excise agents looking for her."

If Duvianus Platorius is lied to about where Addhiranirr is hiding:

"So. Are you the one Addhiranirr must thank for getting rid of the annoying Census and Excise agent? Indeed, Addhiranirr is very glad to see you, and very happy to tell a friend of my good friend Caius all about the Sixth House cult. And Addhiranirr knows nothing about the Nerevarine, but Addhiranirr is happy to tell you that, too, if it makes Caius happy. Ask away, friend Nerevarine (Player name)."

Census and Excise agent "Really? You have made the agent go away? This is a good trick. And Addhiranirr does not ask you how you do this trick, because Addhiranirr does not want to know. But now Addhiranirr is feeling quite good, and happy to talk to you about the Nerevarine cult or the Sixth House cult. Go ahead. Ask your questions."
Nerevarine "Yes. Addhiranirr knows nothing about this Nerevarine cult, because it is just silly superstition. So you tell Caius this. Nobody in her right mind pays any attention to this nonsense. Prophecies and ancient heroes reborn and other silliness. Fuzzy tales for little kitties."
Sixth House cult "This Addhiranirr knows about, because it is about smuggling. Some smart smugglers are suddenly too busy for their old clients, because they have a new employer, the Sixth House, who pays VERY well. But what do they smuggle now? Addhiranirr doesn't know, because they are very secret. And this is odd, because these smugglers are always loud and bragging, and now they hush up like fat-bellied kitties full of sweet-meats."
Smuggling "Smuggling is big business. The Empire says we can't trade skooma, moon sugar, ebony, Dwemer artifacts, exotic Dunmer weapons and armor, and slaves. So smugglers trade these things. Smugglers also smuggle greef, shein, and sujamma to avoid Imperial tax. And now the Sixth House hires smugglers, though what they smuggle, Addhiranirr cannot say."
Thieves Guild "It is just a social club. We like the finer things in life. Those who join this club, they must know how to get the finer things in life. We are like other guilds, so we get deals on training, on goods, and on services. The Guild Stewards? They know the finer things in life very well, and know where to find them. Addhiranirr must tell you, though. There is a war between Thieves Guild and Camonna Tong. Addhiranirr is loyal to the Guild, but Addhiranirr thinks maybe the Guild is losing this war."
Addhiranirr "You have come from Caius, so of course he tells you all about Addhiranirr, how she is a friend of Caius, and who does little things for Caius, and who is also a member of the Thieves Guild, not at all important, but very helpful and loyal to fellow guild members."

If Duvianus Platorius is told where Addhiranirr is hiding:

"Yes. So you want Addhiranirr to tell you about the Nerevarine? Or about the Sixth House cult? Or about the Thieves Guild? Or anything else?"

Census and Excise agent "You have some nerve, and also some great stupidity, to think you can do Addhiranirr the favor of selling her out to a Census and Excise agent, and then think Addhiranirr will tell you about the Nerevarine cult, or the Sixth House cult, or anything else."
Nerevarine "No. Addhiranirr is not talking about this with you, because Addhiranirr is very angry with you."
Sixth House cult "No. Addhiranirr is not talking about this with you, because Addhiranirr is very angry with you."
Thieves Guild "No. Addhiranirr is not talking about this with you, because Addhiranirr is very angry with you."

At a disposition of 70 or higher:

"All right. All right. I am still mad, and think you are stupid to tell that taxman where to find Addhiranirr. But since you are a friend of Caius, and Addhiranirr owes Caius a favor, I will tell you what you want to know about the Sixth House cult. And Addhiranirr knows nothing about the Nerevarine, but Addhiranirr is happy to tell you that, too, if it makes Caius happy."

Sixth House cult "All RIGHT! Addhiranirr is still mad. But wants you to GO AWAY! Addhiranirr knows about smuggling. Some smart smugglers are suddenly too busy for their old clients, because they have a new employer, the Sixth House, who pays VERY well. But what do they smuggle now? Addhiranirr doesn't know, because they are very secret. And this is odd, because these smugglers are always loud and bragging, and now they hush up like fat-bellied kitties full of sweet-meats. Happy? Now go away."
Smuggling "Smuggling is big business. The Empire says we can't trade skooma, moon sugar, ebony, Dwemer artifacts, exotic Dunmer weapons and armor, and slaves. So smugglers trade these things. Smugglers also smuggle greef, shein, and sujamma to avoid Imperial tax. And now the Sixth House hires smugglers, though what they smuggle, Addhiranirr cannot say."
Nerevarine "As Addhiranirr said... sully superstition. Maybe you got lucky? Maybe this Dagoth, poor old fellow, and tired, so he falls down? All the stories Addhiranirr hears? Make you sound like some kind of hero or something."
Thieves Guild "It is just a social club. We like the finer things in life. Those who join this club, they must know how to get the finer things in life. We are like other guilds, so we get deals on training, on goods, and on services. The Guild Stewards? They know the finer things in life very well, and know where to find them. Addhiranirr must tell you, though. There is a war between Thieves Guild and Camonna Tong. Addhiranirr is loyal to the Guild, but Addhiranirr thinks maybe the Guild is losing this war."
Census and Excise agent "Addhiranirr still thinks you are a fool for selling her out to a Census and Excise agent, but you are a friend of Caius, so Addhiranirr will tell you about the Nerevarine cult and the Sixth House cult."
Addhiranirr "You have come from Caius, so of course he tells you all about Addhiranirr, how she is a friend of Caius, and who does little things for Caius, and who is also a member of the Thieves Guild, not at all important, but very helpful and loyal to fellow guild members."


  • "Go away. Addhiranirr does not want to talk." ―Prior to starting Vivec Informants

