Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

"Just one of the many shrines to my lord. The common rabble know it as Cheesemonger's Hollow. Sheogorath is fond of it, but rarely graces it with his presence."

Cheesemonger's Hollow is a part of the Shivering Isles. The Vestige is sent there by Arch-Mage Shalidor in the Second Era to recover some tomes that had been stolen by Sheogorath, the Daedric Prince of Madness.

The hollow is both a beautiful and grim place with the vegetation, lava falls and Sheogorath's minions protecting the place. At the bottom is a large temple like building where Gutsripper is protecting the four tomes his master have stolen.


Long Lost Lore[]

A high-ranking member of the Mages Guild, Valaste wants the Vestige to perform a task for her. They must find a ruin nearby, which Valaste says may hold a store of ancient knowledge.

Chaos Magic[]

Sheogorath offers to let the Vestige "borrow" Volendrung in Chessemonger's Hollow to use in the Alliance War.



