Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

"Um, your pardon. Have you seen any kwama around? Maybe west of the town? If you do, I don't suppose you could lead them to my mine, could you?"
―Drelden Orn[src]

Drelden Orn is a Dunmer residing in Senie. He is the owner of a kwama mine located just outside of town. When Ash Mountain erupted, his livestock fled in the chaos. he can be first found hiding inside a fountain in the town, but after one completes his quest he relocates outside the entrance of his mine.


Percussive Ranching[]

Drelden Orn lost most of his kwama in a mine collapse. He has asked the Vestige to help round up the survivors and convince them to return home.


Percussive Ranching

When hiding in the fountain:

"Um, your pardon. Have you seen any kwama around? Maybe west of the town? If you do, I don't suppose you could lead them to my mine, could you?"

You're looking for kwama? "Um, yes. When the volcano erupted, my workers got frightened and fled. Now they're attacking anyone who wanders too close. They're usually timid., so a good beating should calm them down."
Why aren't you gathering them? "Me? Look at me. I'm hurt. Just beat them a little then blow this whistle. They're trained to return to the mine."
Very well. Give me the whistle. "Remember, subdue, then use the whistle. If you don't, they'll just start fighting again. I'll be at my mine, west of town. I've got to salvage what I can."

After gathering his kwama:

"Look at all my beautiful kwama! Their beady little eyes, the gentle pulsing of their abdomens. I can't thank you enough!"

What will you do now? "I'm going to have to get the mine back open, of course. Kwama are very good diggers, you know, particularly the workers."

"So much work to do. I can't let this mine sit idle forever."

Post-Percussive Ranching

What's a kwama mine? "It's where you get kwama eggs. You can also get kwama cuttle, the waxy substance that grows on their beaks."

That doesn't sound like a "mine." "Well, it's a hole in the ground where kwama live. That's a mine. You didn't think we dug it up like those Nords dig iron, did you?"
What's cuttle used for? "I don't know. Potions, I think, or something to fight poison or cleanse water. I never asked. I just harvest it."

