Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

"I prayed to the Eight that more help would arrive. And here you are."

Peras is a Bosmer sailor. He is being held captive by the Crimson Raiders inside the Crimson Cove.


Export Business[]

Peras and his fellow crew have been captured and imprisoned by the Crimson Raiders. Peras managed to get out, and will ask the Vestige to help free his compatriots.


Export Business

"I prayed to the Eight that more help would arrive. And here you are."

What sort of help do you need? "I'm Peras. My ship was boarded by bandits calling themselves Crimson Raiders. They captured me and the crew. Brought us here. Told us we were slaves. I was lucky. Rescued by a Mer named Glanir. Told me to run. But I've not seen anyone else."
There are more prisoners inside? "Yes. Three of my friends are in there—probably still shackled and helpless. I think you're the only chance they've got."
I'll handle the bandits and free your friends.

After freeing all three captives:

"You did it! You've returned my crewmates! My friends."

I did what I could. "You've done more than many would do—more than many would be capable of. I think my friends and I will need to recuperate before setting out to sea again."


After finishing both "Naval Intelligence" and "Export Business":

Peras: "Proctor, are you still heading to Velyn Harbor?" Glanir: "Indeed I am. You can accompany me, if you wish. The same goes for the rest of you. You lot are lucky we rescued you, if I do say so myself. There's no telling what the Imperials would have done to you, otherwise. Mercy is in short supply on both sides of this war." Filoneth: "What? I thought it was bandits that captured us." Glanir: "They disguised themselves as Crimson Raiders out at sea. But the bastards we fought against to free you were professional—military-grade muskarses." Nalbor: "I've never heard a High Elf talk like you do." Glanir: "I'll take that as a compliment. Follow me and I'll ensure we all get back safely. If you're up for a day-long walk." Filoneth: "Confound it. Peras, I hope you're happy. Told you it was a mistake to go through Crimson Raider waters." Peras: "It was the shortest route, Filoneth! We were saving days of travel!" Nalbor: "You could have gotten us all killed. Or worse!" Peras: "Oh, please. This is the most interesting month we've had in years! You're all scholars. Be open to new experiences!" Filoneth: "Peras, when you sleep tonight, I'm going to drown you." Peras: "Need I remind you that I'm the one who saved your lives?" Agilruin: "This is why no one likes you, Peras." Peras: "You'll all feel better tomorrow morning." Filoneth: "Tomorrow morning, you'll be dead!" Glanir: "We'd better get going. You lot can murder your friend on the way to Velyn Harbor."

