Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

"I am Gemellus Axius, Earl Jakben's manservant. He did not inform me of your visit."
―Gemellus Axius[src]

Gemellus Axius is an Imperial in the Imperial City and the manservant of Jakben, Earl of Imbel.


Boots of Springheel Jak[]



"I am Gemellus Axius, Earl Jakben's manservant. He did not inform me of your visit."

Imperial City "The Earl is perhaps not well known in the city. He is a private man, and keeps to himself."
Boots of Springheel Jak

"Well met."

Finding Jakben, Earl of Imbel "I am Gemellus Axius, his servant. Master Imbel has his home facing the central plaza of the Talos Plaza district. He is a very private man and does not leave his home often. He has a rare skin condition that forces him to sleep during the day. If you wish to contact him, wait until nightfall. Even then, I doubt he will receive you."

Inside the house:

"Please don't harm me! What is it you want?"

Finding Jakben, Earl of Imbel "The master is not at home. He is out in the city tonight, searching for his supper. If you value your life intruder, leave before he returns."
Springheel Jak's tomb "I don't know this Springheel you are asking about. However, the entrance to the family crypt is in the cellar. Take what you want, just spare me! Only the Earl has a key. I have been warned never to enter it, on pain of death."

"Thief! Help!"

