Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

"You're a strong one aren't you? Khuzi likes the strong ones."

Khuzi is a Khajiit found in Rawl'kha.


A Night to Forget[]

Khuzi took one of Rollin's items and sold it to a merchant.


A Night to Forget

"You're a strong one, aren't you? Khuzi likes the strong ones."

I'm looking for a necklace. A Wood Elf gave it to you? "Oh yes, Khuzi remembers him. Kind of cute, but not very bright. And yes, he gave Khuzi a claw necklace. Ugly, ugly, but she knew she could sell it."
You sold it? "Oh yes. Atrius the merchant, he's always looking for ugly little relics like that necklace. Khuzi thinks he is gone already. He said something about going south, making for Hadran's Caravan."
Thanks for the information.

