Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

Meldil is an Altmer found in the Ezduiin Undercroft in Auridon, and is a member of the Mages Guild.


The Mallari-Mora[]

Meldil is the one who informs the Vestige that Uricantar is trying to open a gate to Aetherius.

A Night to Forget[]

Meldil will come to collect the artifacts and the reports from Rollin. The Vestige can either lie to him to save Rollin's hide, or tell him the truth and ruin Rollin's career.


The Mallari-Mora

"I tried to stop him. I couldn't … I couldn't help them."

Stop him? Stop who? "Uricantar. He's here. He's trapped the others. He's using their souls to form the gate. You have to stop him."
What gate are you talking about? "The gate opens onto a shard of Aetherius. Without the soul binding rituals, the gate will close."
How can I destroy the gate? "Take my amulet. It should let you see … touch Aetherius. You'll have to make a decision. Break the bindings or kill the students. Just beware the thirsters."
What are thirsters? "The overlay with Aetherius has allowed powerful spirits into the Undercroft. They're what brought us down here in the first place."
Who is Uricantar? "He is … was … one of us. One of Telenger's students. Telenger cast him out. Uricantar is here. He's the cause behind all of this."
A Night to Forget

"I'm sorry to bother, but have you seen a mer named Rollin? He was supposed to meet me here. But he's late. Very, very late."

Yes, actually. I've been working with him. "Excellent! Then perhaps you can tell me … where in Oblivion is he? He's kept me waiting here for hours!"
He lost every artifact you lent him in a drunken stupor. I just finished recovering them. "He … he what? That's it! I'm going to take these back to Telenger, and Rollin can find some other Archmagus to train him. As far as I'm concerned, that buffoon will never become an apprentice to the Artificer. Thank you for your honesty."
You're welcome. "Now I've got to return to Telenger empty handed. Believe it or not, the old sage was pulling for that little fool. So it goes. The Stars turn in the sky and with them turn the whims of Telenger the Artificer. Good luck."
[Lie] I think he's almost done. I'll just go and tell him you'e waiting. [?]




  1. The Elder Scrolls Online: Dialogue with Meldil