Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

Shaman Bogham is an Orsimer member of the Barkbite Clan residing in the town of Reman's Bluff, Grahtwood.


Enemies at the Gate[]

Shaman Bogham will task the Vestige with finding out how the Orcs at Barkbite Stronghold got poisoned.

The Enemy Within[]

Shaman Bogham will direct the Vestige to Moramat to help her figure out who poisoned the well. Later, he can be interrogated to help find out who did it.


Enemies at the Gate

When first speaking with him:

"Yes, I'll have the poultice ready in a moment. Wait, who are you?"

I've heard you need help with a curse. "Curse? No, no. My bloodkin are loyal to the last, but at times they're thicker than troll dung. It's clearly poison, though how it affected so many is indeed curious. Why do you ask?"
Sharnag said you needed help. "Then here, take this list. Everyone who fell ill had three similarities. They ate food cooked in the same pot, drank water from the same well, and wore clothes washed in the same stream. Bring a sample from each. We'll find the source of the poison."
Are you certain it's poison? "I've dealt with sickness, broken bones, and plague. This is poison, I have no doubt. Symptoms are very similar to bites from the spiders in our tin mine. I'm thankful none have died, but it's damn inconvenient. The bandit attacks are relentless."
Do you think the bandits poisoned your village? "I won't know anything for certain until I get those samples."

After collecting the samples:

"Have you collected everything on the list?"

Here are the samples. "Good. This should only take a few minutes."

After he determines the poison was in the water:

"The poison was in the well water. Even better, I know exactly what kind it is."

What is it? "Spider venom. Enough to incapacitate, but not kill. Odd. Mingling with water in such a fashion would require a variety of alchemical compounds to dilute the venom."
Are you saying this wasn't an accident? "I'm saying it's odd, that's all. What's important now is the antidote. The venom is common to the spiders infesting our tin mine, but I'll need a concentrated amount."
I can get the venom for you. "Look for broodmothers. Their venom sacs are potent, and durable enough not to pop when you smash the filthy creatures. They hate the light, so you'll need to search the deepest parts of the mine."

After collecting the venom sacs:

"I don't hear the sounds of battle. Are the bandits driven off?"

I thinned them out. Here's the venom sac you wanted. "Then I'll distill an antidote immediately. With so many poisoned, we couldn't have repelled the bandits without your help."
The Enemy Within

At the start of the quest:

"I'm distilling the antidote. All we need now is time. And with the bandits driven back, we can turn to the poison's source."

All right, I'm listening. "Someone deliberately poisoned our stronghold's well. The sickness began the day of the bandits' first attack. It couldn't have been them, not directly. You should speak with Moramat, one of Chief Dushkul's wives."
Why? "She's tended the chief since he fell ill. You've shown you stand with the stronghold, and for that you'll remain welcome. But if you wish to stop the poisoner, you'll need her approval or the others won't help."
I'll talk to Moramat.

When questioning him:

"The antidote will be ready soon. Then we can get everyone back on their feet."

Moramat asked me to investigate the poisoning of the well. "Wonderful. Good luck to you. Oh, you want to question me? A bit pedantic, but I appreciate a thorough approach. Ask what you will."
Where were you before everyone became ill? "In the woods, collecting herbs for poultices. It's a good thing, too. After the bandit attacks, I've used nearly all of them."
Can you prove your antidote will be safe? "Look, if I wanted to kill everyone, I'd have done it right the first time. That's what troubles me. If the poison was meant to kill, there would have been more venom. Why would the poisoner show restraint?"


  • "Clothes are fine. The poison wasn't in the stream. Hmm. The meat is cooked past the point of edibility, but no poison. If it's not the well water, we'll need to rethink this. Wait, do you smell that? Ah-hah! that's it. It's in the well water." – When investigating the samples for traces of poison


