Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

Vitellia Strabo is an Imperial patron of the Silver Moons Inn in the Baandari Trading Post.


A Tangled Net[]

Vitellia Strabo is one of the Gold Coast Mercenaries the Vestige has to bribe.


A Tangled Net

"I don't have all day to be waitin' around."

Can I convince you to stay your hand? "Ah, I dunno. I'm bored. Restless, like. I want to punch something. Or someone."
What would be the most entertaining for you, then? "Hm. Not a fan of those fancy ones you had prancing in here. I need excitement, not pretty faces!"
Lananwe would be a good fit. [?]
Ostarion would be a good fit. [?]
Sadelia would be a good fit. "Oh, is she the Dark Elf? I liked her moxie. And her biceps. I bet she could give me a run for my money. Heh, this'll be fun!"
[Persuade] I don't think any of our entertainers want to be punched. "Aw, I didn't mean it like that! I'm just looking for a little friendly competition, you know? Got anyone that could go toe to toe with me, you think?"

