Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls


  • Quest Items that can be stored are not recommended due to the low possibilty of an item despawning.
  • This exploit can become annoying due to the possibility of apparel filling up a mannequin without being able to permanently remove them (because they will just continue to duplicate and take up a space)
  • This exploit is not tested with all apparel and should not be expected to work with everything (Daedric Artifacts)


    Go to any home with a mannequin. Go to one and put any apparel you want to duplicate onto the mannequin. Without exiting, retrieve your items. Exit and re-enter the house, letting it reload everything. You'll find that the items you wanted to duplicate are still on the mannequin and you still have them in your inventory. This can be done infinite times with the potential to make the player infinte gold.


    • One semi-reliable way of getting an item to stop duplicating is to sell the original copy.
    • Mannequins may move around a room after leaving and entering a house. This can be temporarily fixed by simply removing an then re-adding it to the mannequin, however it may move again after leaving the house.
    • Mannequins can only store aparrel so only aparrel can be duplicated.
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