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Forums: Index > Forum archive > Who is your favorite NPC?

OK, my personal favorite NPC is Aelwin Merowald. He's pretty much an old bum who gives you a quest in Weye, outside the Imperial City. And if you go in his house and look on the ground by the fire place, you can find a unique (At least it's the only one i've come across) shirt called Beggar's Shirt. Plus his name is awesome.

Mr.merowald (talk) 20:27, December 4, 2009 (UTC)mr.merowald

Sorry I didn't put my name before, I actually never used this site before. And I should read directions..

This would be my first time posting anything so I am not exactly sure if I am doing it correctly, but my favorite character would have to be the blademaster from the arena. I remember asking him if he knew of any rumors and he said "I heard a rumor that your an idiot, is there any truth to that." That had me rolling. Great NPC.

CeLL (talk) 05:42, April 11, 2010 (UTC)

Lucien Lachance is the best by far.Optimist of the Waste (talk) 10:06, June 9, 2010 (UTC)

At the moment it's the Jemane brothers. I take them everywhere. Although you have to leave them outside if you want to rob a house or do a thief quest. Supposedly you can give them armour and weapons, but I haven't been able to do it on the XBOX. It doesn't matter really. They are fairly good in a fight and their weapons level up with you. They don't die either just go unconcious. Reynold has nothing to say once you get him as a follower and have chased all the ogres away from their home. However, Guilbert always has some clever tidbit in his Rumor file. They will talk to other characters as well when you are in towns or taverns especially if you ask them to wait. This makes the game slightly less lonely and engaging listening to their conversations. I enjoy having them as followers and they make a handsome escort for a young lady like myself ;) ShadowSentinel (talk) 19:15, June 20, 2010 (UTC)

the girl in the shivering isles exp were she want apples and if you dont got anny she screames nenenenenenneennenenenne while runing around
