Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

Not to be confused with Hara-Na.

Hara is a Redguard residing in Craglorn, Belkarth. She can be found in the Star-Gazers' Observatory. She leads the Star-Gazers' efforts in investigating the disappearance of the celestials in the sky.

Hara was said to only have arrived in Craglorn for a short time, but the Star-Gazers turn to her for her immense knowledge concerning the stars and the constellations.

Together with the Vestige, Titus Valerius and Kelmen Locke, they act as the champions of the Celestial Guardians in thwarting the Serpent's schemes.


The Star-Gazers[]

The Celestial Guardians Warrior, Mage and Thief have disappeared from the skies of Nirn. Help the Star-Gazers investigate this threat in Craglorn.

The Shattered and the Lost[]

Hara will initially refuse to meet Valla and Ahlora, but will later confirm that they are indeed aspects of the Mage.

The Missing Guardian[]

During this quest, Hara is kidnapped by the Scaled Court. It is later revealed that she is in fact the Thief in disguise.


Show: The Star-Gazers

When first meeting her:

"Speak quickly. I am very busy and our Order is stretched to the breaking point."

I understand you've been having some problems. I'm here to help. "Of course. I'm sorry. You've come to help us, and I'm being rude."
I need to know the situation. Tell me what's going on here. "Then I'll start from the beginning. A short while ago, the three Guardian star signs—the Warrior, the Mage, and the Thief—vanished from the night sky."
What happened? "I wish I knew. I've studied the stars my whole life. I've heard them speak—but now they're silent. It's eerie. All I know is when the Guardians disappeared, three powerful beings started attacking Craglorn. They call themselves the Celestials."
The Celestials? "I don't know. It's not a name I'd ever heard before. Two of the Celestials identify themselves as the Warrior and the Mage. The third, strangely, calls himself the Serpent—after the thirteenth constellation. The Thief is nowhere to be found."
What do you need me to do? "The Star-Gazers consists of scholars who are no match for the current threat. We need champions to face the Warrior, the Mage, and the Serpent. And, if possible, to find the Thief. Join us. Be our strong arm, our sharp sword against the Celestials."
I'll join you. "Thank you. We have a lot of work to do. But first, you must become an official member of our order. Enter the circle of stars and accept our blessing."
Let me think about it. "Of course. But don't take too long. The Guardian stars have protected Tamriel for centuries. How long can we last without their favor?"

If the Vestige did not initially accept her request:

"What's your decision? We need your help."

I'll join you. "Thank you. We have a lot of work to do. But first, you must become an official member of our order. Enter the circle of stars and accept our blessing."
Let me think about it. "Of course. But don't take too long. The Guardian stars have protected Tamriel for centuries. How long can we last without their favor?"

After the Vestige has undergone the ritual:

"The stars have accepted you. I just hope it is not too late. Volumes of prophecy have been written about the stars, but not even the oracles foresaw these events."

Where should I start? "Gather allies before you leave the city. You'll need loyal friends to face the armies of the Warrior, the Mage, and the Serpent. Return to me each time you learn something new. I will use what you learn to devise a plan to defeat the Celestials."

After completing the quest:

"It appears that the Serpent has gathered the bulk of his forces in the mountainous region to the north and sealed himself within. So much the better. That gives us a chance to learn what we can about this threat and plan a defense."

What do we know about the Celestial Warrior? "Tradition holds that the Warrior is one of the Guardians who defends the other stars against the Serpent. But the Warrior Celestial who has recently appeared is no friend. He commands a merciless army of ancient Yokudan warriors called the Anka-Ra."
What can you tell me about the Anka-Ra? "All I know is they are ancient and dangerous. I've heard intriguing rumors from the Daggerfall Covenant outpost to the west of a champion who appeared about the same time as the Anka-Ra. That may be a good place to start looking for answers."
Where should I start investigating the Warrior? "One of our number, Erold, has been examining old Nedic writings on the subject. He hopes to find insight into the Celestials' sudden appearance. Erold is smart, but he's not exactly battle-hardened. I'd be grateful if you'd help him."
What is the Celestial Mage doing in Craglorn? "Tradition holds that the Mage, the Warrior, and the Thief are the Guardian star signs. But the magical events in the foothills of Craglorn—including an ever-growing army of atronachs—suggest that the Mage has fallen under the Serpent's control."
You think the Mage is summoning atronachs? "The atronachs were originally summoned by a circle of conjurers from the city of Elinhir to defend Craglorn against the Dark Anchors. But it's clear they're answering to another master now. And, if anything, their numbers are growing."
How do we stop them? "I'm at a loss. The conjurers who summoned the atronachs have disappeared. But since the atronachs were summoned to defeat the Dark Anchors, perhaps the dolmens hold a clue."
What sort of magical events? "Strange things, difficult to describe. A large spellscar in the middle of the desert. And the appearance of two High Elves in Belkarth, each claiming to be the Mage herself. It's as if the Mage tried to fight back against the Serpent and lost."
Do you think there's any truth to the High Elf women's claims? "I wouldn't rule it out, but I haven't had time to look into their claims. You're free to investigate, but be wary of a trap. The Serpent could simply be baiting us. Last I heard, the women were still at the Crossroads Tavern here in Belkarth."
Show: The Shattered and the Lost

"Now how did I know it was you who was helping the aspects? They convinced me that they are what they say they are. The time has come to restore what was shattered and lost."

So you're going to help them? "I will do what I can. We can't allow the Serpent to control both the Mage and the Warrior. We need the guardians—all three of them—if we have any hope of defeating the Serpent."
So what do we do? "This Seeker's Sight they gave you. Is it fully restored?"
I gathered its missing gems and charged them with magicka. "Then place it within the star map and let's see what it can show us."
Show: The Missing Guardian
In Reinhold's Retreat:

"Forgive me. I wore the guise of Hara because I didn't know who to trust, but neither could I rest while the Serpent preyed on the other Guardians."

You were the Thief the whole time. You appeared to me and helped me. Why didn't you trust me? "I'm sorry. The Serpent is a deceiver by nature. I couldn't be sure. When the other Guardians fell, I had to react quickly. I suspected that the Serpent was using our Apex stones against us, so I secreted mine to this ruin for safekeeping."
I see. But why pose as a mortal? "The Serpent is cunning, but he has his blindspots. He does not value the strength or cleverness of mortals. Taking the form of Hara, a mortal, allowed me to find champions—like you—to join the fight against the Serpent, while eluding his gaze."
Now what? "We should return to Belkarth. There is still much to do, if we're to free the other Guardians and stop the Serpent. But I'm done hiding. The Star-Gazers deserve to know the truth. I can transport you back to the city if you wish."
I'm ready. Take me back to Belkarth.

Back in Belkarth:

"I can't thank you enough. You trusted me, even when I'd failed to show the same trust in you. I won't make that mistake again. From here forward, we must work together closely if we're to defeat the Serpent."

What happens now? "We've sent the Serpent reeling, but he will strike again. We need to use this time to prepare our forces and free the Mage and the Warrior. The Serpent can only be defeated through the combined efforts of all three guardians."


The Star-Gazers

Hara: "Stars above, let this new light do your will." Caecilus Bursio: "Accept them, oh stars." Hara: "Let them always follow where you lead." Caecilus Bursio: "Oh, please aid them." Hara: "And bless them to restore those who have fallen from glory. Our missing guardians." Caecilus Bursio: "Oh, please bless them."

The Shattered and the Lost

After talking to her:

Hara: "A strange relic, this Seeker's Sight. It's a compass of sorts, you say?" Valla: "Well, place it within the star map and let's see what happens."

After placing the Seeker's Sight within the star map:

Ahlora: "It's working. See how our other aspects appear." Valla: "Thanks to this relic, we can locate the remaining aspects before the Scaled One." Hara: "What is that strange one over there? It's different from the others." Ahlora: "That's the Lost One. The part of us corrupted and controlled by the Scaled One." Valla: "Let's not concern ourselves with her just yet. The other aspects are our first priority."

The Missing Guardian

In her office:

Hara: "Time is not on our—" Titus Valerius: "Hara! What's wrong?" Nazdura: "Hara! What have you done to her?" Titus Valerius: "Nothing! Something just came over her. Hara, what can we do?" Hara: "He found me … you must …." Nazdura: "Who found you? Who is doing this to you?" Hara: "Find the ruins … Reinhold's Retreat …. Hidden there … you must …." Nazdura: "No!" <Hara disappears> Titus Valerius: "She's gone … just … gone."

In Reinhold's Retreat, when confronting the Serpent's Corruption:

Titus Valerius: "Hah! We've done it!" Kelmen Locke: "Why do I get the feeling this isn't over?" <The Serpent's Corruption comes down> Titus Valerius: "We will not fall here!" Hara: "You always underestimated the will of the true heroes of this world, Malazar! Witness the foreshadowing of your doom! These mortals will see to it that your chaos is undone. We will reunite the Guardians, and you will be banished once more!"

After slaying the Serpent's Corruption:

Kelmen Locke: "Could it really be…?" Titus Valerius: "Hara… You? All along?" Hara: "It had to be this way. But the time for deception is ended. Now is the time for action."


The Star-Gazers
  • "You have been accepted by the stars above. You are now one of us." – After the Vestige returns from the room with the Thief


  • Hara is the construction set ID for the Thief birthsign in Morrowind.

