Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

House Suda is a noble house in Hammerfell. Saadia, residing in The Bannered Mare in Whiterun, was once a member, but, according to her, she fled because she spoke out publicly against the Aldmeri Dominion, and they had sent assassins after her.[1]

However, it is later revealed that the assassins are actually Alik'r mercenaries, and, according to them, they are sent to Skyrim to bring Saadia to trial. They claim Saadia betrayed House Suda and sold out the city of Taneth to the Aldmeri Dominion, and if it were not for her the city could have held its ground during the Great War. They wish to bring her back to Hammerfell in order to try her for treason.[2]

Notable members[]



  1. Dialogue with Saadia
  2. Dialogue with Kematu