Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

Mania is the brighter side of the Shivering Isles. Its Capital is Bliss located in New Sheoth.

Walking amongst the giant mushroom trees of Mania is an experience any new visitor to the Shivering Isles is not soon to forget. Hours spent wandering in the forests of spore trees, breathing deeply of the spore-laden air-these are the times destined to remain a part of you forever. Feelings of peace and contentment wash over the body and calm the soul. It can seem as if you haven't a care in the world.

Take the time to examine the beautiful plant life found in the region. Treat yourself to Alocasia, which is known to have restorative properties, or pluck an Aster Bloom Core, which some locals believe has the ability to ward off the attacks of evil spirits.

If one plans on spending some time in the Mania countryside, consider visiting the small community of Hale. The residents are mostly local artists, and are very welcoming to weary travelers. Be sure to explore the lovely areas surrounding Hale, and enjoy the peaceful atmosphere.

A cautious traveler is a safe traveler, though, even in the idyllic lands of Mania. While the paths that wind through the scenic countryside are generally safe, the surrounding regions pose some danger for the careless traveler. Mania is home to a number of indigenous animal species, some of which could be threatening to a less-seasoned adventurer. It is recommended sticking to the clearly marked paths when traveling anywhere within the Shivering Isles.

Flora and Fauna

TESSI Location Mania

Mania is notable for its clear skies, brightly colored plant life, and tall, smooth, moss-covered standing stones which occasionally form delicate arches. Red Kelp often grows on the top of these rocks, and Hydnum Azure grows in bright-blue clusters on their side. Fungus of many different sizes grow across Mania. Immature Mushroom Trees (which produce Unrefined Greenmote) grow alongside giant but unproductive adult versions. Slender blue stacks of mushrooms grow throughout the region, especially along the cobblestone paths in the northeast. Flame Stalk grow abundantly within Caves and Ruins on tree branches and other wet clay surfaces. Alocasia and Worm's Head can be found in abundant numbers. Like most alchemy ingredients in Mania, both have primarily restorative properties.


TESSI Location Mania 1

The ridge between Mania and Dementia breaks in a few places - notably around the settlement of Split - but rises generally from west to east, and comes to a peak northwest of New Sheoth. Other settlements in Mania include Highcross.



Fort Ruins

Points of Interest


