Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

The Spelldrinker Amulet is given to mages in the Mages Guild when they achieve the rank of Evoker. It is an enchanted amulet with a Spell Absorption effect. It was given to the New Evoker by Raminus Polus, the main administrator of the Arcane University.

Level Base Value Weight Enchantments Apparel ID
1–4 3650 Gold 0.5 WeightIcon Spell Absorption 9 pts 00095A71
5–9 4850 Gold 0.5 WeightIcon Spell Absorption 12 pts 00095A6B
10–14 6050 Gold 0.5 WeightIcon Spell Absorption 15 pts 00095A6C
15–19 7250 Gold 0.5 WeightIcon Spell Absorption 18 pts 00095A6D
20–24 8050 Gold 0.5 WeightIcon Spell Absorption 20 pts 00095A6E
25–29 9250 Gold 0.5 WeightIcon Spell Absorption 23 pts 00095A6F
30+ 10450 Gold 0.5 WeightIcon Spell Absorption 26 pts 00095A70


