Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls


For other uses, see Torkild the Fearsome.

Torkild is a werebear and the brother of Wulf Wild-Blood


Filial Bonds

Wulf asks the Dragonborn to locate Torkild. He can be found randomly in the wild, though it is hard. He may be found southeast of the Glacial Cave, half-way to Benkongerike, or in that general area. Upon meeting him he will have a short conversation and then turn into a werebear and attack. Once he is dead, Torkild's Letter to Wulf can be found on him. Although he can already be dead before you find him and can cause problems in the game, then you would have to wander Solstheim looking for his body and retrieving the letter. 


  • Torkild the Fearsome shares the same name and coincidently is also affiliated with Hircine.
  • Since Torkild is brother to Wulf Wild-Blood, his full name may be Torkild Wild-Blood, though this is not fully confirmed nor denied.


  • He will sometimes flash from werebear to human.
  • When using dead thrall on his corpse, sometimes when fast travelling he will turn back into an ash pile that cannot be looted. This seems to occur most often when still doing his related quest.

