Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

Virmaril the Betrayer is a powerful Lich boss found inside Skyreach Catacombs.

In life he was an Altmer advisor to High King Durac, and friends with his daughter Princess Saradin. Durac married Saradin to Kestic, leading Virmaril to betray him. The Ra Gada were advancing upon the kingdom, and Durac and his council needed a solution. Virmaril met with them under the pretext of providing a solution. Virmaril slaughtered everyone there and enslaved them with necromancy. Nedic soul mages managed to bind him deep underground, though they had to keep watch over him from that point on.[1][2][3]

Many years later, Scaled Court members disturbed the catacombs, waking Virmaril and allowing him to take over the watchers who were assigned to keep him bound. He became powerful enough to project whispers far up into the catacombs, and raise a great number of undead. He was eventually defeated by the Vestige.

He is the author of Virmaril's Journal, which can be found near him.


  • Soul Cage – heavy damage
  • Summon Wraiths


  • "Ah, more guests? Welcome. The others have already started their meal." – Upon entering the Skyreach Catacombs
  • "Please, enjoy my collection. The fallen kings are among my most prized possessions." – Before facing the Fallen Kings
  • "Gaze upon my most magnificent creation and prove to me the power of your soul. Destroy my Gravelord—if you can." – Before facing the Gravelord
  • "How considerate, delivering your soul into my waiting hands. Join me in the depths and I will teach you to embrace death." – Upon entering the lower catacombs
  • "Come closer. Prove the strength of your glorious soul. Reach me, and I will free you from the shackles of your mortal flesh and grant you a superior form." – Upon entering the Cavern of the Lost Souls
  • "The foolish Watchers pledged to make sure I never awoke. Now, even they serve me." – Before facing the Watchers
  • "Ah, I forgot to mention. The Nedes warded this door, using their curious brand of soul magic. Allow me to provide the souls you need to proceed." – At the warded door
  • "Foolish mortals! You never learn. To one such as I, death is never the end—it is only the beginning! You have achieved nothing. I will return." – Upon slaying him


